Today, software programmable digital electronic systems under the name of microprocessor systems are widely used in many applications for education, security, commercial, industrial, military, health and similar purposes. Microprocessor systems appear with a brand new application area every day. As a result, the use, understanding, design and realization of hardware and software of microprocessor systems has an important place in engineering in almost every field. The aim of this book is to examine the basic concepts on a sample system with the basic structural features of microprocessor-based systems, to teach the hardware and software features of systems and peripherals with a general-purpose microprocessor as the central processing unit in microprocessor-based systems.
In order to make it easier to understand the different microprocessors used today and the systems in which they are used, information about the history and current technological developments is also given. In addition, typographical errors in previous editions of this book have been corrected and some topics such as microprocessor software and microprocessor system design applications have been tried to be written in a more understandable way. This book has been prepared to cover the content of the "microprocessors" course, which is included in the curriculum of the computer, electrical, electronics and communication engineering departments of universities, or to help researchers and engineers who are interested in this subject in other engineering branches.
Three main topics have been determined for the teaching of microprocessor systems and the explanation has been made in the form of subsections of these sections. In the first chapter, the general characteristics of microprocessor systems and which basic concepts and methods are included in the book are given in which order. Microprocessor hardware was chosen as the second main topic. As the third main subject, it is aimed to teach microprocessor software.
Although preliminary information about the subjects is given in the book, having a good knowledge of logic, analysis and design of digital electronic circuits will make it easier to understand the microprocessor hardware. Before the microprocessor software is taught, a brief programming basis is given. However, microprocessor software will be easier to understand if you have knowledge about programming.
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