If we raise our heads and look around us carefully, we can see where consumerism has reached in the world. The opportunities created by all this consumption volume cause companies to compete with each other. The more customers they can attract, the more competitive advantage they will have. At this point, understanding consumer behavior is crucial. Since behavior is directly related to an individual's personality, analyzing personality traits might help in understanding the behaviors that consumers will display. Marketing practitioners who establish a relationship between personality traits and consumer behavior and recommend sales promotions according to this relationship will always be one step ahead of their competitors. This book aims to analyze the relationship between personality traits and consumer decision-making styles and predict how consumers are likely to choose sales promotions that are framed. Moreover, marketing practitioners can find an informative Executive Summary at the end of the book. The book gives a general idea about personality traits, personality theories and consumer decision-making process that may help undergraduate and graduate students interested in this field.
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